
For the first time in "Leomi": branch managers reveal their personal phone numbers

Bank Leumi is announcing today (Thursday) another step in the service revolution it is leading: in a unprecedented manner in the banking system in Israel, the bank's private and business customers will receive the personal phone number of the manager of the branch where their account is managed, and will be able to contact them

For the first time in "Leomi": branch managers reveal their personal phone numbers Read More »

Static moved the children: a partner in the event for sons and daughters of Mitzvah

Last night, Partner held an exciting event for girls and Mitzvah children in order to make them happy these days. In addition, Mitzvah children from the Otaf and from the northern regions were invited to the event. At the event, the presenter Static appeared who hosted Adi Beatty and the two performed their hit "Machchafe".

Static moved the children: a partner in the event for sons and daughters of Mitzvah Read More »

The Galaxy AI comes to foldables: first impressions of Samsung's smartphones

Samsung announced today (Wednesday) its new smartphones: Galaxy Z Fold 6 and Galaxy Z Flip 6. These are models that come to show the maturity of smartphones with a foldable screen and above all to maintain the leadership of the South Korean company in this category. Samsung held the announcement event at the Louvre museum

The Galaxy AI comes to foldables: first impressions of Samsung's smartphones Read More »

The iron rules of the experts: this is how you will be protected from financial scams

The phenomenon of "phishing", an attempted fraud through impersonation on the Internet or on the phone, has expanded in recent years in Israel and around the world. The phenomenon is mainly characterized by attempts by hostile parties to obtain private information by sending SMS messages or e-mails with a link to fictitious websites, including a

The iron rules of the experts: this is how you will be protected from financial scams Read More »

Another Embassy: What made Tandoori become the HML for the Indian reporters?

It was supposed to be a celebratory launch of a new beginning. Exactly one year ago, the renovated tandoori restaurant of veteran restaurateur Rina Pushkarna, the first to bring Indian food culture to Israel, opened with much fanfare. For 42 years, her legendary restaurant was located in Dizengoff Square and gathered not only a large

Another Embassy: What made Tandoori become the HML for the Indian reporters? Read More »

The accountants' rebellion: they want to break away from the supervision of the Ministry of Justice and move to the treasury

Chen Schreiber, president of the Chamber of Accountants, is promoting a move to detach the chamber from the supervision of the Ministry of Justice and transfer it to the responsibility of the treasury. In the past, during Avigdor Lieberman's tenure as finance minister, Schreiber tried to promote a similar move – but this was prevented

The accountants' rebellion: they want to break away from the supervision of the Ministry of Justice and move to the treasury Read More »

The accountants' revolt: they want to break away from the supervision of the Ministry of Justice and move to the treasury

Chen Schreiber, president of the Chamber of Accountants, is promoting a move to detach the chamber from the supervision of the Ministry of Justice and transfer it to the responsibility of the treasury. In the past, during Avigdor Lieberman's tenure as finance minister, Schreiber tried to promote a similar move – but this was prevented

The accountants' revolt: they want to break away from the supervision of the Ministry of Justice and move to the treasury Read More »