
The market is recovering: the number of job seekers is the lowest since the outbreak of the war

This morning (Sunday) the Employment Service publishes the "Labor Market Pulse" report for the month of June, according to which, after the moderation of the downward trend in the number of job seekers registered in May, the trend returned to strength, and during the month of June the number of job seekers decreased by 13.2 […]

The market is recovering: the number of job seekers is the lowest since the outbreak of the war Read More »

The "Cities Index" data reveal the bleak economic picture of the northern settlements

The "Cities Index" report for the year 2023 of the Galilee Research Institute at the Western Galilee Academic College, data from which are published here for the first time, presents alarming findings about the financial stability of the authorities and residents in the north on the eve of the Iron Swords War. On October 7,

The "Cities Index" data reveal the bleak economic picture of the northern settlements Read More »

The iron rules of the experts: how to protect yourself from financial scams

The phenomenon of "phishing", an attempted fraud through impersonation on the Internet or over the phone, has expanded in recent years in Israel and around the world. The phenomenon is mainly characterized by attempts by hostile parties to obtain private information by sending SMS messages or e-mails with a link to fictitious websites, including a

The iron rules of the experts: how to protect yourself from financial scams Read More »

"Life experience and professionalism know no age limits": Sudesco's special tribute to its veteran employee

Sodexo Israel , the leader in the field of catering services and maintenance of systems and buildings for companies and organizations, held an exciting retirement event for its veteran employee Shimon Deri, who is retiring at the age of 81 after 12 years of work for the company. Sweet for me: why did the price

"Life experience and professionalism know no age limits": Sudesco's special tribute to its veteran employee Read More »

The Director of the Tax Authority warns: "It is not advisable to postpone the 2025 budget"

"It is better to approve the 2025 budget as soon as possible. It is not advisable to postpone its approval because of the need for financial certainty. The bond buyers and the banks want certainty and to approve a budget as soon as possible." This is what the Director of the Tax Authority Shay Aharonovich

The Director of the Tax Authority warns: "It is not advisable to postpone the 2025 budget" Read More »

The accountants' revolt: they want to break away from the supervision of the Ministry of Justice and move to the treasury

Chen Schreiber, president of the Chamber of Accountants, is promoting a move to detach the chamber from the supervision of the Ministry of Justice and transfer it to the responsibility of the treasury. In the past, during Avigdor Lieberman's tenure as finance minister, Schreiber tried to promote a similar move – but this was prevented

The accountants' revolt: they want to break away from the supervision of the Ministry of Justice and move to the treasury Read More »

A country in collapse: 46,000 businesses have closed since the start of the Iron Swords War

46 thousand businesses have been closed since the beginning of the war, according to the business information company Coface Bdi, which provides business information for credit risk management, and has been engaged in the analysis and ranking of all businesses and companies in the Israeli economy for about 35 years. Yoel Amir , CEO of

A country in collapse: 46,000 businesses have closed since the start of the Iron Swords War Read More »

The interest rate remained unchanged: no reduction is expected in August either

The monetary committee at the Bank of Israel decided today (Monday), as expected, to leave the interest rate in the economy unchanged and it will continue to stand at 4.5% per year. This is the fourth consecutive decision in which the interest rate remains unchanged. The decision is not surprising, the absolute majority of analysts

The interest rate remained unchanged: no reduction is expected in August either Read More »